Saturday, November 7, 2009

Device What Happens To A Device If You Use A Higher Than Required Amperage On An AC Adapter?

What happens to a device if you use a higher than required amperage on an AC adapter? - device

I have a device that requires a power supply with 800mA. I think that goes with it. I have one, that says 1.4A output. I wonder if I the unit by damage. The input and output volts are the same, and I'm not sure if the polarity. It is a system of care, in particular about what I am tempted to try. Do not just want to blow up the house.

1 comment:

Rob I said...

The current is that the adapter is designed to provide maximum. This is the amount of current that voltage.The given the amount of current devices of the same flame depends on the device itself. An adapter rated 1.4 amps safely deliver 800mA. The device (or function) it does not have the constructive basis. It is therefore safe.

The polarity is another matter, not negotiable. This is (ie the success or failure, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) of the device. Some devices are protected from this occurrence, but not all!

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